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항상 기뻐하라! 쉬지말고 기도하라! 범사에 감사하라!(데살로니가전서 5:16-18) 
교회소개주일예배주일학교(CS)교회카렌더안내광고찾아오시는 길문의사항
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Kenwood Fellowship Church - KOREAN > Sunday Sermons
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Sunday Sermons
 리스트(5건씩 표시) 
  2017-03-19   The benefits of living a devoted life (Timothy 4:7~8) / Rev. Lee
  2017-03-12   An all healing God... (Genesis 16:1~16) / Rev. Lee
  2017-03-05   To have God's approval... (Act 13:21~23) / Rev. Lee
  2017-02-26   Heaven and Hell is real (Luke 16:9~26) / Rev. Lee
  2017-02-19   Obadiah maintained his faith in dark places (1 king 18:3~4) / Rev. Lee
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2017-03-05 일요일           
To have God's approval... (Act 13:21~23) / Rev. Lee
To have God's approval... (Act 13:21-23)

David had God's approval because David did what God asked of him. Hence, God was able to work through David. The work that is being referred to is how God sent Jesus as our saviour. For the salvation of the world, God sent Jesus. so what can we do to have god's approval? In order for God to work through us? What does he expect of you?
First, you must have the desire to change. Meaning you must recognize the aspects of your life that need change. Second, you must aspire to mature spiritually. To mature spiritually is Knowing God on a deeper level. Third, you must have the desire to serve God through devotion of your time d your service, Volunteering your time and services should be joyful because it will all be for God's Glory. Let us all be like David, and have God's approval...

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Kenwood Fellowship Church - KOREAN | 신시내티 섬김의 교회
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© Kenwood Fellowship Church - KOREAN | 신시내티 섬김의 교회    UPDATE:2017-04-10