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항상 기뻐하라! 쉬지말고 기도하라! 범사에 감사하라!(데살로니가전서 5:16-18) 
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 리스트(5건씩 표시) 
  2017-07-16   How to settle your worries (Mathew 6:25~34) / Rev. Lee
  2017-07-09   Have you felt disappointed by God? (Jeremiah 3:18~26) / Rev. Lee
  2017-07-02   How to celebrate the feast of Harvest (Exodus 23:14~19) / Rev. Lee
  2017-06-25   The lessons in today's scripture are for the generation after Jehos...
  2017-06-18   Joseph's respect for his father (Genesis 46:28~34) / Rev. Lee
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2017-06-18 일요일           
Joseph's respect for his father (Genesis 46:28~34) / Rev. Lee
Joseph's respect for his father (Genesis 46:28-34)

Today we celebrate Father's Day. Our duty as Christianity is to teach and have respect for our parents. Therefore one of the ten commandments is to Honour thy father and thy mother. There is a warning in the bible that says that we will be judged by God if we do not honour our parents : Cursed is anyone who dishonours their father or mother (Deuteronomy 27:16)

A symptom for the end of world is that there will be a colossal undertaking of parents by their children. As shown in today's verse, I would like to use Joseph as the prime example of how a child should honour their parents.

How did Joseph honour his father? First, Joseph remained in close proximity to his father. Parents find joy in spending time with their children. Second, Joseph was able to financially support his father. no matter what your finances are, you should still find a way to help out your parents.

Third, Joseph had a good relationship with his siblings, as his father wanted. Even through all of the tribulations that were caused by his brothers; he was able to see this as all a part of God's plan to unite happily with his brothers. In the end, he was able to forgive them and love them. These are all examples of how Joseph was able to honour his father. I bless that all of you are able to honour your parents.

2017. 06. 18 - 아버지를 향한 요셉의 효도 (창 46:28-34)

오늘은 아버지주일입니다. 우리가 믿는 기독교는 효도를 가르치는 종교입니다. 그래서 십계명 중에서 인간을 위한 첫 번째 계명이 부모에게 효도하 라는 것입니다(출20:12) “네 부모를 공경하라” 그러나 효도를 못하면 무서운 심판이 있음도 경고하고 있습니다. (신 27:16) “그의 부모를 경홀히 여기는 자는 저주를 받을 것이라”

말세의 징조 중에 하나가 부모를 거역하는 것입니다. 그래서 오늘은 본문에 나오는 요셉의 효도를 살펴보면서, 참된 효도에 대해 생각해 보고자 합니다.

요셉은 어떻게 효도했습니까? 첫째, 요셉은 부모를 가까이에서 잘 모시므로 효도했습니다. 부모는 자식과 함께 있는 것만으로도 기쁘고 행복합니다. 둘째, 요셉은 부모를 물질로 봉양함으로 효도했습니다. 경제적인 형편이 어렵다고 하더라도 최선을 다하여 부모를 물질로 봉양하는 것은 자녀의 도리입니다.

셋째, 요셉은 부모의 뜻을 따라 형제들과 우애함으로 효도했습니다. 요셉은 결코 악으로 악을 갚지 않았습니다. 형들을 끝까지 용서하고 사랑하고 베풀면서 살았습니다. 이것이 요셉의 효도였습니다. 이런 자녀분들이 다 되시기를 주님의 이름으로 축원드립니다.

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© Kenwood Fellowship Church - KOREAN | 신시내티 섬김의 교회    UPDATE:2017-04-10